Unleashing Your Unique Self

A uniqueness lies within each of us, but often it’s hidden beneath layers of fear and insecurity. As a result, it can be unsettling to show our true selves to the world. But when we take the time to peel back these protective layers, our uniqueness can shine through.

Why We Develop Protective Layers
We may think we will be accepted and loved by pretending to be someone we’re not or conforming to societal norms. But this desire to conform creates an invisible shield that restricts us from expressing our character and individuality. In fact, these protective layers may even hold us back from reaching our complete potential and experiencing real happiness and fulfillment. Learning how to bravely be ourselves is essential for personal growth.

Understanding Our Exact Nature
Becoming clear on who we really are takes effort. It’s a process that requires self-reflection and introspection. Our protective layers are the coping mechanisms we use to deal with the world, while our actual character is the person we were born to be before we learned to conform. By understanding our natural self, we can unlock our full potential and live a life aligned with our purpose.

Identifying Our Armour
Understanding our values unlocks the path to awareness. Once we have a clear sense of what is important to us, we can identify the armour we have built up over time. We may also have adopted certain behaviours or ways of being that do not align with who we are. In order to remove our layers of protection, we need to become more aware of when they are present. This might mean paying attention to the thoughts and feelings that arise in certain situations or reflecting on past experiences where we have felt constrained or limited in some way.

Embracing Vulnerability
Once we have identified these protective layers, we can start to challenge them. Lisa Bragg states, “Although many of us want to put ourselves out there, we hesitate. We stay with what feels safe and comfortable.” Try challenging your status quo by asking yourself: Why do you do the things you do? And go even deeper by asking: What is really getting in your way? This level of inquiry can be unpleasant at times, as it often involves confronting aspects of ourselves that we would rather ignore or suppress.

By embracing vulnerability and building confidence in our authenticity, we can start to unleash our unique selves and live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Today’s Hashtag: Authenticity


Bragg, L. (2023). Bragging Rights. Page Two


Simply Noticing is a blog that sneaks in a little humour, provides a variety of life lessons, and explores how to be just a bit more human.


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