Rescue the Day

Have you ever had a day like this? You’ve slept in, and in your mind, your day is completely ruined. It’s that sinking feeling when you wake up in a mad panic and can’t believe the hour. Moments earlier, you were happy, and now you’re distraught. Maybe the alarm on your phone didn’t go off, or it was set to PM instead of AM. Regardless of the reason, you immediately feel like your day is doomed before it even begins. But is it? How can you rescue the day?

If you happen to sleep in, it’s helpful to remind yourself that a hiccup in your morning routine does not define your entire day. The negative thoughts that come with oversleeping can quickly spiral into a pessimistic mindset that affects your mood, productivity, and overall attitude.

But what if you’re like me and have difficulty falling asleep, and sleeping past your regular wake-up time seems inevitable?

There are certain times of the year when I hit a bumpy patch in my sleeping routine. I toss and turn, fret and stew, and flip and flop. I’ve tried all kinds of tricks, such as having a hot shower before bed, meditating, reading, and practicing yoga nidra. Sometimes they work, but often they don’t. When a bout of insomnia sets in, I’ve learned to let it occur and get up and do something. Completing an unpleasant task seems to be my winning ticket, and for me, it’s ironing. Dragging out the ironing board and then waiting for the iron to heat up is painful enough. But what makes this chore even worse is selecting clothes with numerous seams and top stitching that can’t be straightened with a single swoosh of a hot iron. And usually, I become sleepy within an hour of starting this midnight chore and head back to bed.

What works for me might not work for you, but here are two tips that could be helpful.

Tip #1:

Only recently did I learn that it’s not the time you go to bed that matters. The practice of mastering your everyday wake time makes a dramatic difference. Listen to Dan Harris’s interview with Dr. Donn Posner on Ten Percent Happier for more details.

Tip #2:

Be grateful that you can rise to a new day even if you’re feeling utterly exhausted. Sadly, not everyone is given the gift of time.

By choosing to think positively, focusing on what you can control, and practicing gratitude, you can conquer the negativity that often comes with a day gone awry. Setbacks are inevitable, but our attitude and mindset determine how we respond. So, the next time you oversleep, take pleasure in realizing it’s not the end of the world. Instead, your day has just turned out differently than originally planned.

Today’s Hashtag: Positivity


Wake Time discussion at minute 11:50


Simply Noticing is a blog that sneaks in a little humour, provides a variety of life lessons, and explores how to be just a bit more human.


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