Hi there. I’m Deanna.

I inspire others to take a chance.

It’s about trusting your inner voice in business and life.


Does coaching really help?

Quick answer—100% yes. Speaking from my experience in being coached, it’s an invaluable process when you have a person who can be both a sounding board and makes you accountable. It’s often the only way to get out of your spin cycle. But don’t feel bad—we all do it. It’s called being human.

How can you specficially help me?

If you struggle to find inspiration in your everyday life, your career feels like a dead end (or worse, a gigantic mistake), or your business requires a deep reset, just know I get it. I have grappled with all the same issues. It often takes an outsider to help us see what we cannot.

Do you have a particular structure that you follow?

Yes and no. Before we start, we want to ensure there is a direction or topic you want to focus on. This co-creative subject matter becomes our framework for each session. There are also practical elements, such as accountability, trust, and privacy awareness, which are critical in group and individual sessions.

My professional backstory.

My career (in design) began when I accepted a three-week assignment on one of Vancouver’s most significant public architectural projects at the time—the Vancouver International Airport (YVR). Eight years later, at the age of thirty-five, I founded my first design firm, and a decade later, I moved across Canada and landed in Toronto.

As a creative and strategy leader, I worked with numerous fortune 500 companies. The process was enlightening, but the biggest takeaway was seeing what makes a company tick (and, even more importantly, what doesn’t) and what sets the organization apart from all the others. Maintaining the heart and soul of a company takes work, and once it starts to fracture, it’s discouraging for all involved.

In today’s world, how can an individual or business be successful and adaptable to change

I’m not afraid to dig deep; my goal will always be to encourage trust and commitment with everyone involved.